Get ready to laugh. Here are some humorous things I have accumulated over the years. OK, maybe not years, but I gathered them up for you to enjoy ...
And it's happened. It's truly happened. At sometime not too soon before 1:30 p.m. on August 25, 1998, this (my jokes page) surpassed my main page in hits. Do you know what? That means that you fine people who are coming in by hordes and droves to visit this worthy joke page are forgetting to go on and explore the exciting things on my *other* pages!
Now, I'm in no way *complaining* about getting 600+ hits in two and a half weeks, but ohhhh, pleeeeeaaaaase visit my other pages, if you would!!! And sign the guestbook while you're at it.
WHOA! *My* page, of all things, was voted Best of Pod in the Funny Bone Pod! Now, wipe that surprised look off your face and go look at the jokes:
*Note*: If you enjoy this page, I would ask you to do me a favor. All I simply want you to do is click on the faerie at the top of the page, and fill out the sign-up form. It only takes a minute or two and you'll only get one piece of mail in your mailbox. If you never go to the site again, that's alright. I simply need referrals. Please help me! (By the way, the site is geared towards 13 to 18 year olds, so if you're in that age range, you might enjoy it. BUT if you're not, please sign up anyway--it's quick and painless. Just make sure you get all the way through.)
Now to the jokes!
Other Stuff Without a Category:
OK, so you think it sounds bogus. But let me assure you, it's NOT. I'm a college student and can use just about all the money I can, I know, but I don't do stupid things (like giving plasma--my friends are NUTS). Anyway, you can make money just for letting people send you junk mail. Come on! You're going to be getting it anyway. Why not get paid for it??
LE FastCounter
people have been here since I stuck this counter here on August 10, 1998.
This Funny Girls Webring site owned by Rose.
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